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Self Care: That Thing You Keep Putting Off

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to take care of ourselves. We prioritize work, family, and other obligations, often neglecting our own needs in the process. But it's important to remember that self care is not selfish, and that taking care of ourselves is essential to our overall well-being.

One way to prioritize self care is by creating a sacred space in our homes. This can be a physical space, such as a cozy corner with pillows and blankets, or a mental space that we retreat to in our minds when we need a moment of peace and relaxation.

Creating a sacred space allows us to disconnect from the outside world and focus on ourselves. It's a place where we can meditate, journal, practice yoga, or simply be still and quiet. By designating a space specifically for self care, we are reminding ourselves that our needs are important and deserve attention.

This is your gentle reminder that you come first. Don't forget to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Create a sacred space in your home, or simply take a few moments each day to focus on yourself. You deserve it, and you'll be better equipped to handle everything else life throws your way when you're feeling your best.

What is Self Care?

Self care is the act of taking time for yourself, whether it be through meditation, yoga or simply spending time with friends. It's important to take care of yourself because you can't give what you don't have. Self care isn't selfish; in fact, it's quite the opposite. When we practice self-love and self-care we are better able to love others in a more meaningful way because we are not drained by our own needs being neglected or ignored.

Creating a Sacred Space

  • Choosing the right space.

  • Setting the tone.

  • Decorating the space.

Activities for Self Care

  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques like meditation, mindfulness and journaling are great ways to de-stress.

  • Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation can be done in many ways; you can meditate on your breath or try guided meditations online. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment without judgment, which can be helpful for those who struggle with anxiety or depression.

  • Journaling: Journaling is a way for us to express ourselves when we don't feel comfortable talking about our thoughts with others (or even ourselves). It helps us get things out of our head so that we don't have such a hard time dealing with them later on!

Creating a Self Care Routine

Creating a self-care routine is about taking the time to do things that make you feel good. It's important to schedule this time and make it a priority in your life, because if you don't, it will be easy for other things (like work or family obligations) to take over. Scheduling time for yourself also means identifying triggers that cause stress or anxiety so that you can avoid them when possible. Setting boundaries around what kinds of activities are acceptable within your sacred space helps keep it sacred--and prevents burnout by limiting how much effort goes into maintaining this space over time.

The Power of Self Care

Self care is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, improving relationships, increasing self-confidence and more. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to breathe deeply or meditate on something that makes you happy. Other ways to practice self care include listening to music that lifts your spirits; doing something creative like painting or drawing; spending time outdoors in nature; reading an uplifting book; going out with friends who make you laugh; having lunch with colleagues who make work more enjoyable...the list goes on!

Self Care Tips and Tricks

To create a sacred space for self care, it's important to stock your space with the essentials. Here are some of my favorites:

  • A journal and pen or pencil (or whatever writing utensils you prefer)

  • Candles and incense/essential oils if you like them. I love using essential oils as part of my self care routine because they're so soothing, but if you don't have any or don't want to use them for whatever reason, that's totally fine! You can use candles instead--they'll still help set the mood for relaxation and meditation.

  • Scented lotion or body wash. If this isn't an option either because of allergies or cost issues then try using unscented soap instead! It works just as well!

Making Self Care Sustainable

  • Creating a support system.

  • Incorporating self care into your daily routine.

  • Understanding your limits.

The Benefits of Self Care

There are many benefits to self care, including:

  • Increased productivity. When you take time for yourself, it can help you be more productive at work and in your personal life. You'll be able to think more clearly and focus on the tasks at hand without being distracted by stress or anxiety.

  • Improved mental health. Taking care of yourself is an important part of staying mentally healthy, which is especially important if you have a chronic illness like depression or anxiety disorder. When we're stressed out or overwhelmed with responsibilities, our mental health suffers because we don't have enough time or energy left over after taking care of everyone else's needs (and wants). Self-care helps us recharge so that we can stay positive throughout the day instead of feeling overwhelmed by everything going on around us!

  • Boosted self esteem/confidence levels: By caring about ourselves first before anyone else does; this means setting boundaries when needed so that others don't take advantage of us because they know how much effort goes into caring for everyone else first before yourself.


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